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System Status

All Systems Operational


To only the most important status updates

Status Notes

Reminder of upcoming changes to the routine maintenance windows on Jan 1st 2023:
        - staging:   per commit
        - preprod:   per commit
        - prod:      as needed
        - stable:    Tuesdays at 10am-2pm PST (UTC-8)
        - stale:     Alternating Tuesdays at 10am-2pm PST (UTC-8)

    Web App:
        - staging:   per commit
        - preprod:   per commit
        - prod:      as needed
        - stable:    Daily at 10am-2pm PST (UTC-8)
        - stale:     Tuesdays at 10am-2pm PST (UTC-8)

Internal Systems

A list of all the users in your account including their name, title, email and role.

SDK Remote ConfigsOperational
SDK CDNOperational
SDK ProxyOperational
Data IntakeOperational
Web ApplicationOperational
Element & Vendor MonitoringOperational
Element & Vendor AlertsOperational

External Services

A list of all the users in your account including their name, title, email and role.

Amazon Web Services (AWS)Operational
Google (OAuth)Operational
Slack (Notifications)Operational

Incident History

  • Embargo Team
    Commented 5 months ago
    Resolved incident involving webhook delays. System P95 latency < 1 min.
  • Embargo Team
    Commented 5 months ago
    Investigating webhook delays reaching p95 > 5 mins.